Akshraa Pahuja

Akshraa Pahuja

Budding Author

Save the World With Bamboo

The world is currently going through a lot of pollution. One of them is plastic pollution. “Plastic pollution has become one of the most common environmental issues and is rapidly increasing. It is mostly developing in Asian and African nations, where garbage collection systems are often inefficient or nonexistent. But the developing world, especially in countries with low recycling rates, also has trouble collecting discarded plastic.

When plastic is thrown into landfills they release harmful chemicals into the surrounding soil, which can then seep into groundwater or other surrounding water resources. Furthermore plastic can take up to 1000’s years to biodegrade, 50% plastic is never been reused or recycled. These are just some reasons why using plastic is having a big impact on our lives and the environment.

That is where bamboo comes in. In recent years, bamboo has been called the “Green Gold”, Bamboo is a super-powered plant that is actually a grass and acts similar to weed in terms of how quickly it grows.

Bamboo is a fast-growing material that’s naturally biodegradable and is extremely abundant globally. It’s durability. and renewable qualities rank high in the

Most eco-friendly materials in the world. Bamboo mainly grows, in part of Asia, Africa, South America, and North America. It can be used for toothbrushes to flooring, whatever you can think of.

Even if we can’t replace everything made of plastic with bamboo, but we can at least replace what we can as well as reduce our plastic usage. We use so much plastic on a day today. Basis that there must be some areas in our lives where we can reduce our plastic consumption.

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