Pearl Anand

Pearl Anand

Budding Author
Class 6th

An Adventure Under Water

Once upon a time I lived in a beautiful aquarium in my master’s house. I was very happy to live there because my master was very nice.

One day my master came to me and said: “I am sorry my dear Goldie. Today I have to leave you in an ocean around the beach Krabi as I have got transferred to another city. I was very afraid that how can I live there without my master.

When my master put me into the ocean, I suddenly got a thrill of excitement as I descended into the water for the first time.I dived into the clear blue water and saw the riot of colours in front of me.

Then I came across something shiny. I went near it. I was surprised to see something strange. Then I asked who she was. She replied: “ I am the Queen of the ocean, a mermaid”. She then asked me who I was . I replied: “I am Goldie.  I am new in this ocean and my master left me here.”

She was overwhelmed to know my name and she welcomed me and took me to her palace. She showed me many beautiful things and I was very amazed to see such beautiful flowers and other things. An octopus was guarding the palace. I was amazed to see the diversity of plants underwater. The mermaid told me that these plants have a great role for balancing the marine life 

I saw a pearl oyster there. It was a nice experience for the first time.

A Story by Pearl Anand

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